Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
CrmNumber |
A reference to the primary key of the Contact record that is associated with the ContactAddress. Ignored for PUT (except bulk updates) and POST (except bulk inserts) requests sent to the API. |
integer |
None. |
AddressTypeId |
A reference to the primary key of the AddressType record that is binded to the ContactAddress. Ignored for PUT (except bulk updates) requests sent to the API. |
integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 99999999 |
AddressTypeName |
The name of the AddressType record that is binded to the ContactAddress. Ignored for PUT and POST requests sent to the API. |
string |
None. |
StreetAddressLine1 |
The address of the ContactAddress (i.e. Unit Number, Street Number, Street Name). |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
StreetAddressLine2 |
Further information that may not fit on Address Line 1. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
StreetAddressLine3 |
Further information that may not fit on Address Line 1 and 2. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
TownSuburb | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 120 |
StateCity | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 120 |
Postcode | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 15 |
CountryId |
A reference to the primary key of the Country record that is binded to the ContactAddress. |
integer |
Range: inclusive between 1 and 99999999 |
CountryName |
The name of the Country record that is binded to the ContactAddress. Ignored for PUT and POST requests sent to the API. |
string |
None. |