Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the OtherCommunication model. The OtherCommunication model caters for communications that are not categorised as Email or Phone.
API | Description |
GET api/othercommunications/{id} |
Get an OtherCommunication by id. |
POST api/othercommunications |
Insert an OtherCommunication. |
GET api/othercommunications/{id}/communicationcontent |
Get the Content of the supplied OtherCommunication id. |
POST api/othercommunications/{id}/communicationcontent |
Insert Content for the supplied OtherCommunication id. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Task model.
API | Description |
POST api/tasks |
Insert a Task. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Interaction model.
API | Description |
GET api/interactions/{id} |
Get an Interaction by id. |
GET api/interactions?crmNumber={crmNumber}&interactionTypeId={interactionTypeId}&interactionDateFrom={interactionDateFrom}&interactionDateTo={interactionDateTo}&inactive={inactive}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all Interactions optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/interactions |
Insert an Interaction. |
POST api/interactionspackage |
Insert an Interaction plus its related records. |
PUT api/interactions/{id} |
Update an Interaction by id. |
GET api/interactions/{id}/interactionstatuses |
Get all InteractionStatuses that are related to the supplied Interaction id. |
GET api/interactions/{id}/interactioncourses?offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all InteractionCourses that are related to the supplied Interaction id. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Tag model.
API | Description |
GET api/tags/{id} |
Get a Tag by id. |
GET api/tags?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&tagTypeId={tagTypeId}&inactive={inactive}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all Tags optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the TaskType model.
API | Description |
GET api/tasktypes/{id} |
Get a TaskType by id. |
GET api/tasktypes?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all TaskTypes optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Channel model.
API | Description |
GET api/channels/{id} |
Get a channel by id. |
GET api/channels?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains} |
Get all Channels optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the StudyArea model.
API | Description |
GET api/studyareas/{id} |
Get a StudyArea by id. |
GET api/studyareas?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all StudyAreas optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/studyareas |
Insert a new StudyArea. |
PUT api/studyareas/{id} |
Update an existing StudyArea. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the StudyLevel model.
API | Description |
GET api/studylevels/{id} |
Get a StudyLevel by id. |
GET api/studylevels?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all StudyLevels optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/studylevels |
Insert a new StudyLevel. |
PUT api/studylevels/{id} |
Update an existing StudyLevel. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Country model.
API | Description |
GET api/countries/{id} |
Get a Country by id. |
GET api/countries?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all Countries optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the HeatStatus model.
API | Description |
GET api/heatstatuses/{id} |
Get an HeatStatus by id. |
GET api/heatstatuses?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all HeatStatuses optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
API | Description |
GET api/diagnostics/ping/{message} |
Ping the API to see if it's running. |
GET api/diagnostics/version |
Get the API version. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Client Contact model.
API | Description |
GET api/clientcontacts/{id} |
Get a Client Contact by id. |
GET api/clientcontacts?description={description}&descriptionContains={descriptionContains}&hasPhoneNumber={hasPhoneNumber}&hasEmailAddress={hasEmailAddress}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all Client Contact optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the PhoneCommunication model.
API | Description |
GET api/phonecommunications/{id} |
Get a PhoneCommunication by id. |
POST api/phonecommunications |
Insert a PhoneCommunication. |
GET api/phonecommunications/{id}/communicationcontent |
Get the Content of the supplied PhoneCommunication id. |
POST api/phonecommunications/{id}/communicationcontent |
Insert Content for the supplied PhoneCommunication id. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Faculty model.
API | Description |
GET api/faculties/{id} |
Get a Faculty by id. |
GET api/faculties?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all Faculties optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/faculties |
Insert a new Faculty. |
PUT api/faculties/{id} |
Update an existing Faculty. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the AttributeMetaData model.
API | Description |
GET api/attributemetadata/{id} |
Get a AttributeMetaData by id. |
GET api/attributemetadata?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&attributeCategoryId={attributeCategoryId}&domainCode={domainCode}&inactive={inactive}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all AttributeMetaData optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
GET api/attributemetadata/{id}/attributereferences?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all AttributeReferences that are related to the supplied AttributeMetaData id. |
POST api/attributemetadata/{id}/attributereferences |
Insert a new AttributeReference record |
PUT api/attributemetadata/{id}/attributereferences/{attributeReferenceId} |
Update an existing AttributeReference record |
DELETE api/attributemetadata/{id}/attributereferences/{attributeReferenceId} |
Delete an ApplicationReference record. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Course model.
API | Description |
GET api/courses/{id} |
Get a Course by id. |
GET api/courses?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&qualificationId={qualificationId}&studyLevelId={studyLevelId}&facultyId={facultyId}&departmentId={departmentId}&inactive={inactive}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all Courses optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/courses |
Insert a new Course. |
PUT api/courses/{id} |
Update an existing Course. Only the inactive status and the StudyAreas for a course can be updated. All other properties are ignore for PUT. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the AttributeCategory model.
API | Description |
GET api/attributecategories/{id} |
Get a AttributeCategory by id. |
GET api/attributecategories?name={name}&domainCode={domainCode} |
Get all AttributeCategory optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates process oriented endpoints.
API | Description |
GET api/processes/exportcommunications?lastTraceId={lastTraceId}&traceDateFrom={traceDateFrom}&traceDateTo={traceDateTo}&limit={limit} |
Exports all communications (that are linked to a contact) optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
GET api/processes/exportcontacts?includeNotes={includeNotes}&includeTags={includeTags}&includeConsents={includeConsents}&includeConsentHistory={includeConsentHistory}&lastTraceId={lastTraceId}&traceDateFrom={traceDateFrom}&traceDateTo={traceDateTo}&limit={limit} |
Exports all contacts optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/processes/preprocessupsertcontacts |
The pre-processor prepares/converts a flat JSON structure of contacts into the hierarchical JSON structure required by the UpsertContact endpoint. Collections like communications can be supplied in the flat structure by repeating multiple rows using the same Personal Identifier (PI) information. The PI information is made of the following fields: EmailAddress, Surname, Name, DateOfBirth, CrmNumber, StudentInstitutionId. If the PI information is the same for 2+ rows then these group of rows are said to be for the same contact. |
POST api/processes/upsertcontact?contactMatchingMinConfirmedScore={contactMatchingMinConfirmedScore}&contactMatchingMinNameSimilarity={contactMatchingMinNameSimilarity}&contactMatchingEnabled={contactMatchingEnabled} |
Update or insert a contact and its associated data. Inserts or updates depending if contact details match an existing contact. |
POST api/processes/updatecontact?contactMatchingMinConfirmedScore={contactMatchingMinConfirmedScore}&contactMatchingMinNameSimilarity={contactMatchingMinNameSimilarity}&contactMatchingEnabled={contactMatchingEnabled} |
Update a contact and its associated data if contact details match an existing contact. |
POST api/processes/getcontactactivepreference?contactMatchingMinConfirmedScore={contactMatchingMinConfirmedScore}&contactMatchingMinNameSimilarity={contactMatchingMinNameSimilarity}&contactMatchingEnabled={contactMatchingEnabled} |
Gets information for applying the appropriate update logic for client integrations and automated data loads. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the CommunicationEffectiveness model.
API | Description |
GET api/communicationeffectivenesses/{id} |
Get a CommunicationEffectiveness by id. |
GET api/communicationeffectivenesses?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all CommunicationEffectivenesses optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the AddressType model.
API | Description |
GET api/addresstypes/{id} |
Get an AddressType by id. |
GET api/addresstypes?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all AddressTypes optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the ContactTag model.
API | Description |
GET api/contacttags/{id} |
Get a ContactTag by id. |
GET api/contacttags?crmNumber={crmNumber}&tagId={tagId}&tagTypeId={tagTypeId}&dateCreatedFrom={dateCreatedFrom}&dateCreatedTo={dateCreatedTo}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all ContactTags optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/contacttags |
Insert a ContactTag. |
DELETE api/contacttags/{id} |
Delete a ContactTag by id. |
POST api/bulk/contacttags |
Insert a collection of ContactTags in bulk and in one transaction. |
DELETE api/bulk/contacttags |
Delete a collection of ContactTags in bulk and in one transaction. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the InclusionStatus model.
API | Description |
GET api/inclusionstatuses/{id} |
Get an InclusionStatus by id. |
GET api/inclusionstatuses?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all InclusionStatuses optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the duplicate merge model.
API | Description |
POST api/duplicatemerge |
Merge multiple contacts defined by a list of CRM Numbers. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Salutation model.
API | Description |
GET api/salutations/{id} |
Get a Salutation by id. |
GET api/salutations?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all Salutations optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the AttributeReference model.
API | Description |
GET api/attributereferences/{id} |
Get a AttributeReference by id. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the TagType model.
API | Description |
GET api/tagtypes/{id} |
Get a TagType by id. |
GET api/tagtypes?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all TagTypes optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Department model.
API | Description |
GET api/departments/{id} |
Get a Department by id. |
GET api/departments?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all Departments optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/departments |
Insert a new Department. |
PUT api/departments/{id} |
Update an existing Department. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the EmailCommunication model.
API | Description |
GET api/emailcommunications/{id} |
Get an EmailCommunication by id. |
POST api/emailcommunications |
Insert an EmailCommunication. |
GET api/emailcommunications/{id}/communicationcontent |
Get the Content of the supplied EmailCommunication id. |
POST api/emailcommunications/{id}/communicationcontent |
Insert Content for the supplied EmailCommunication id. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the ActivityCourse model.
API | Description |
GET api/activitycourses/{id} |
Get an ActivityCourse by id. |
GET api/activitycourses?activityId={activityId}&dateCreatedFrom={dateCreatedFrom}&dateCreatedTo={dateCreatedTo}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all ActivityCourses optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/activitycourses |
Insert an ActivityCourse. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the CommunicationCategory model.
API | Description |
GET api/communicationcategories/{id} |
Get a CommunicationCategory by id. |
GET api/communicationcategories?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all CommunicationCategories optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Qualification model.
API | Description |
GET api/qualifications/{id} |
Get a Qualification by id. |
GET api/qualifications?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&studyLevelId={studyLevelId}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all Qualifications optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/qualifications |
Insert a new Qualification. |
PUT api/qualifications/{id} |
Update an existing Qualification. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Contact model.
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Campus model.
API | Description |
GET api/campuses/{id} |
Get a Campus by id. |
GET api/campuses?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all Campuses optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/campuses |
Insert a new Campus. |
PUT api/campuses/{id} |
Update an existing Campus. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Intake model.
API | Description |
GET api/intakes/{id} |
Get an Intake by id. |
GET api/intakes?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&code={code}&codeContains={codeContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all Intakes optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/intakes |
Insert a new Intake. |
PUT api/intakes/{id} |
Update an existing Intake. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the ContactStatus model.
API | Description |
GET api/contactstatuses/{id} |
Get a ContactStatus by id. |
GET api/contactstatuses?inactive={inactive} |
Get all ContactStatuses optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the ContactNote model.
API | Description |
GET api/contactnotes/{id} |
Get a ContactNote by id. |
GET api/contactnotes?crmNumber={crmNumber}&dateCreatedFrom={dateCreatedFrom}&dateCreatedTo={dateCreatedTo}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all ContactNotes optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/contactnotes |
Insert a new ContactNote. |
DELETE api/contactnotes/{id} |
Delete a ContactNote by id. |
POST api/bulk/contactnotes |
Insert a collection of ContactNotes in bulk and in one transaction. |
DELETE api/bulk/contactnotes |
Delete a collection of ContactNotes in bulk and in one transaction. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the SubChannel model.
API | Description |
GET api/subchannels/{id} |
Get a SubChannel by id. |
GET api/subchannels?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&parentChannelId={parentChannelId} |
Get all SubChannels optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Endpoints that provide traces of certain record types that have been created or updated within the system.
API | Description |
GET api/traces/contacts?dateModifiedFrom={dateModifiedFrom}&dateModifiedTo={dateModifiedTo} |
Get primary key (id) values of Contact records that have been created/modified within the specified range. |
GET api/traces/interactions?dateModifiedFrom={dateModifiedFrom}&dateModifiedTo={dateModifiedTo} |
Get primary key (id) values of Interaction records that have been created/modified within the specified range. |
GET api/traces/emailcommunications?dateModifiedFrom={dateModifiedFrom}&dateModifiedTo={dateModifiedTo} |
Get primary key (id) values of EmailCommunication records that have been created/modified within the specified range. |
GET api/traces/phonecommunications?dateModifiedFrom={dateModifiedFrom}&dateModifiedTo={dateModifiedTo} |
Get primary key (id) values of PhoneCommunication records that have been created/modified within the specified range. |
GET api/traces/othercommunications?dateModifiedFrom={dateModifiedFrom}&dateModifiedTo={dateModifiedTo} |
Get primary key (id) values of OtherCommunication records that have been created/modified within the specified range. |
GET api/traces/activities?dateModifiedFrom={dateModifiedFrom}&dateModifiedTo={dateModifiedTo} |
Get primary key (id) values of Activity records that have been created/modified within the specified range. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the InteractionCourse model.
API | Description |
GET api/interactioncourses/{id} |
Get an InteractionCourse by id. |
GET api/interactioncourses?interactionId={interactionId}&studyLevelId={studyLevelId}&facultyId={facultyId}&courseId={courseId}&departmentId={departmentId}&campusId={campusId}&studyAreaId={studyAreaId}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all InteractionCourses optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/interactioncourses |
Insert an InteractionCourse. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the CommunicationLabel model.
API | Description |
GET api/communicationlabels/{id} |
Get a CommunicationLabel by id. |
GET api/communicationlabels?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all CommunicationLabels optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the Activity model.
API | Description |
GET api/activities/{id} |
Get an Activity by id. |
GET api/activities?crmNumber={crmNumber}&dateCreatedFrom={dateCreatedFrom}&dateCreatedTo={dateCreatedTo}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}&returnTotal={returnTotal} |
Get all Activities optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
POST api/activities |
Insert an Activity. |
POST api/activitiespackage |
Insert an Activity plus its related records. |
GET api/activities/{id}/activitycourses |
Get all ActivityCourses that are related to the supplied Activity id. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the InteractionType model.
API | Description |
GET api/interactiontypes/{id} |
Get an InteractionType by id. |
GET api/interactiontypes?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all InteractionTypes optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |
Encapsulates endpoints directly related to the CommunicationType model.
API | Description |
GET api/communicationtypes/{id} |
Get a CommunicationType by id. |
GET api/communicationtypes?name={name}&nameContains={nameContains}&inactive={inactive} |
Get all CommunicationTypes optionally filtered by any of the arguments specified in the query string. |